Karwowski a keynote speaker at IEEC 2016

RCEL Executive Director Kaz Karwowski was a keynote speaker at the IEEC 2016 Conference at Liverpool John Moores University in Liverpool, England on Thursday, September 8.

IEEC is the leading global three day forum for enterprise and entrepreneurship educators and practitioners. According to the IEEC website, the conference “is highly regarded for its participatory style with a wide range of educator-led interactive parallel sessions as well as keynote contributions led by inspirational experts from across the world.

Karwowski introduced two hypotheses to the group: Leadership Training encourages entrepreneurship; and Entrepreneurs who have leadership training are more successful and build companies that last. He described the RCEL leader development program and process, and shared preliminary data indicating that RCEL students are developing leadership skills. He also presented other entrepreneurship opportunities available at Rice University, including  OwlSpark, sharing further preliminary data indicating that students are developing entrepreneurship skills.

Learn more about the conference and view Karwowski’s slides here.


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